John Fowles ‘The Magus’

Oh what a ride this was!
I have no idea how I came to decide that I want to read this book. I must have seen it on Goodreads somehow and found the description inviting. Can’t remember why, to be honest. There are not that many books that I completely failed to understand out there and this one must be a clear winner. There are so many references to other works, so many metaphors and symbols that you feel like you read many books within this one book and have no idea which way to go. It also makes you feel darn stupid. I am not so sure that the author himself was very comfortable with what he created here. I hear he struggled with this book for more than a decade and then came back to it with revisions..
The only reason why I kept at it was the language. John Fowles could write and he could write beautifully. To me the way he wrote carried the whole plot and made it readable. Also, there were few scenes, mainly the ones between Nicholas and Alison that hit home and I kept on in hopes to have more of that.
With all the complicated mysterious thing going on in the book I am quite proud to boast though, that I guessed more or less right away the big twist at the end. Ha!